Thursday, December 29, 2005
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
christmas 2005

I've been at home this christmas, sleeping in the top of Natalia's bunk, which has been nice:) We celebrated christmas eve, up at mormor and morfar's place with "mandel i grøten" (porridge with an almond in it - whoever finds it wins a marsipan-pig!) and then gifts...But we waited with some so we could try celebrate christmas day.. Bit hard when you can't go out and have a barbeque or play cricket of footy in the park though ;) Sadly there was no snow either - didn't come till the day after boxing day. But now it's all white :)
Here's Natalia and Daniel on christmas morning, they got lollies and a comic book in their stocking..
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Sunday, December 11, 2005
WELCOME to my blog :)

Right now I'm sort of half-stressing about christmas.. sorry Samantha and Karin, your presents may come a bit later .. they're packed and ready, but still not sent.. heh.. Anyway. I'm now gonna figure out how to upload a few pictures, and by the time you're reading this I guess I can say: take a look! :)
autumn pictures...

ok if you tip your head to the left
you'll see (from left to right)
ellen and solveig
solveig's doing a dts right NOW in ålesund
(up north or something in norway)
having a great time and learning heaps
--- i miss her though:(

the grandson of my favourite teacher!

the loveliest person on earth
(well, one of them)
in hamar right now

ååww what's going on in this world??!
lovely, isn't it =)