Sunday, January 29, 2006

new job :)

Latest update: I've now got a new job in "hjemmetjenesten", which means I'm like a personal care attendant.. The state pays for old/sick people to be cared for in their homes. So I drive around with a list of people to visit and give medicine, food or help wash and stuff like that.. A lot different from dealing with clothes at H&M! At first there were a lot of new impressions, but I liked it from the start. At the end of the day I don't come home feeling I've worked for some hours doing whatever.. I've actually done something which people need, and it gives me something too :) ..what's not so good is that we have so little time to get through the list of people in our area, and some of the people we visit need so much more. We're only given time for the body's needs. Psychological needs aren't met like they could be, let alone spiritual.. but I have experienced being able to give in those ways too, which is a good feeling :)

Anyway, I'm very happy with the new job, and I'm still working at H&M so it's been a tiring couple of weeks! Was worried it would be too tiring, but I've been spending more time with God lately, and as always He's given strength and inspiration:)


Blogger ...dan said...

gratz :)

3:24 PM, January 30, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Så fint å gjøre noe som er meningsfyllt. Det kommer til å gi deg både glede og tårer. Men det er verdt det.

3:37 AM, February 07, 2006  

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