The Road Trips of July

Spacewagon + Solveig + me and bebbe = Roadtrip
to: Mysen ---> Isabel.
Lovely talk.
Lovely person <3
Next stop: Fredrikstad. Oase. Benedicte Walseth <- adorable, inspiring, faith building
midnight praise (MPN --is that supposed to stand for midnight praise??)
good night's sleep (it's true actually)
next night: drive night
home in Sandefjord 6.30 am so why not go straight to Skjellvika beach and catch up badly needed sleep there instead of in bed;
outside, sun, waves, seagulls, engangsgrill ("BBQ-for-one-time's-use-only")
aaah enjoy
and read "how to read the bible for all it's worth"
*summer in norway*