well, I will be here one more Sunday, but this was the last one spent with Tash and Beth, and our last Sunday in North Witney Church. I didn't think when we first came that we would get to know the church so well by only spending time with them on Sundays. But meeting with different people every Sunday has been such a great way to become a part of people's lives... If there's one thing I've learnt at Church placement, it's the importance of inviting people to your home and sharing meals together. It really made us feel welcomed into the church family.

After church we were taken by the above family to an old church and some ruined buildings around it...

This, by the way, is Beth's fiance, Johnny - they're getting married in a year.

After our afternoon in Witney, we went back to Oxford and joined the rest of KBC for Abi and Tash's baptism! It was absolutely beautiful - I had no idea I'd get so emotional - but I was either crying or smiling the whole time - it was so special...
Praise God, who has set us free from what kept us from Him, buried our old self and clothed us with Christ - I want to follow Him without hesitation, second thoughts or reservations (1 Pet 3:21)!