Wow, I just saw it's 2 months since I last wrote anything here - on the one hand that's long time, but on the other hand it seems so short when I think about all that's happened since I left KBC!
As soon as I got back to Norway we went for a trip to Rjukan, a "cooshley" valley (with hardly any sun) and went for a walk in the Norwegian mountains. Enjoyed this trip much more than my last Norwegian mountain experience, which I felt was overwhelmingly grey. This time it was tiring but refreshing, and the beautiful view I will share with you all once I have my camera and internet at the same time.
Straight after soaking in beautiful Norway again I started work at a nursing home. A lot of hours as well as fighting off a cold meant that I didn't get to catch up with friends for a while.
I was still stuck at home sharing a room with my sister (cooshley, but cramped) when the phone rang and I got an interview at the Adventist primary&secondary school in Sandefjord. I remember hesitating at the staff-room door after getting the job - can I actually just waltz in here without knocking? And the realisation that teachers don't get recess. Hm!
A phrase which God has reminded me of a lot since back in Norway, is "I can climb this mountain with God." Lately though, finding the job's challenges less like mountains and more like hills, I'm finding it easier to trust in myself rather than on God. Just yesterday God took me back to His words to me on my first morning back in Norway; one step at a time. That is; ask God what to do, do that one thing, stop and listen, take the next step, stop and listen, next step... I remember facing the first task of the day; unpacking my suitcase, and feeling so strongly I can't do this without you God!
I know that's what God wants from me this year - to see my utter dependancy on Him and to learn sensitivity to Him in both the business and the boringness of life. Cause it's so refreshing when I do focus on Him and find (again- why do I always "forget"?) that
He is the only one who can give me what I need. I can rest in Him! :) And it's so exciting when, by just having my eyes fixed on Him, I see something of His heart for people! Although I still struggle with being obedient...God give me fear of You -
love of You - which drives out all fear of man! I know this comes naturally when I rest in who I am
in Christ... Thank you Jesus..

Ok I better stop here. I'll update on the flat that me and Elisabeth have moved into and our BEAUTIFUL car, Billy (haha) when I can get some photos on the blog aswell.