news update...
- I had Anna and Amy from KBC visit (over new year's), and Janson (also KBC) came for a week not long after.
- I did a concert at the Adventist Church, which went very well. :)
- Billy has died... (At least momentarily.)
- Elisabet and I celebrated Easter by spending Thursday-Sunday reflecting on Jesus' way to the cross through meditation on scripture / prayer / fasting - and we even went out at 6am Sunday to go to a Church service by the sea, in the snow, watching the sunrise. It was beautiful. What God spoke to me about through those days is summed up in one word, trust.
- God's told me to go to China/Mongolia/Tibet for four weeks in June-July, which I'm very excited about!
- I've almost decided who is going to be my producer...
- Will probably study part time after the summer, either psychology or teaching.
And so through the chaos of planning concerts and trips, working and Billy breaking down I am slowly, and I'm afraid quite reluctantly, learning: "in quietness and trust is your strength". Isaiah 30:15