Wednesday, November 04, 2009


What do we say?
We watch
We look on
We see
But what do we do?
Stand by and say “bless you”?
“May God who is our hope help you”?
And yet we are not willing to walk out
To step through the mud
Through the stench
Through the muck
And reach that child
She sits there
For love

Don’t touch!
You can’t hug her
She’s dirty
You dunno where she’s been
Where she’s come from
Or even what she is
I mean
She may have lice
Leave her where she is
She probably has aids
And look,
You’re wearing a nice white shirt
Keep it clean
Besides she may steal your pen
Don’t go
It’s a trick
There’s probably someone behind it

And so
We turn away
We forget
We go and find some food
Talk about something else
Laugh loudly about yesterday
Plan for tomorrow
Turn our backs

Meanwhile she sits there
And watches
Through the eyes of a child
As the ones Jesus sent
Look elsewhere
And walk away.

This was written by a friend I made on my trip to China, Mongolia and Tibet two summers ago... She is truly an inspiration, a role model in following Christ whole heartedly; listening for his guidance and being obedient, knowing he is always faithful and will provide for her every need.

We´re not called to save the world. We´re not called to be guilty about all those we can´t help. But we are called to be loved by a God whos love is so overwhelming that we can´t contain it, it has to overflow.

A sign of this love is the absence of fear, I was told at a meeting last week at Mosaic. "Perfect love drives out fear". Fear of stepping out of my comfort zone, fear of what people will think of me, fear of the unknown... If I love someone nothing can stop me from being there for them. It´s a JOY to be there for them!

"I´ve told you these things so that you can experience my joy; fullness of joy", Jesus said as he explained what it means to love others; laying down your own life in order to lift someone else up. (John 15, paraphrased.)

Have a good week everyone! And let´s try to look beyond our own busy time schedules and personal interests! :)