Monday, February 06, 2006

God's creation...

If we believe God created the world, for us, I think it would make Him happy that we receive it with thanks. And appreciate it. And if it's not just for me, but for us, I think it would make Him happy if I'd stop blindly using up so much more than my share of this great gift.. Norwegians are very good at keeping their eyes shut, in many ways, and so am I - it's so comfy here in Norway you see. Easy to fall asleep. But I don't want to. I want to honor God with my life..

Anyway, take a look at this:

plane journeys

og denne er på norsk:


Blogger ...dan said...

"Norwegians are very good at keeping their eyes shut"

Veldig sant. Very true.

Bare at jeg am not sure if jeg er supposed to skrive norwegian eller engelsk. Virker ikke som om du er sikker heller :P

9:06 AM, February 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats not right.the earth is miiilions
of years old!

5:34 AM, April 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe the world is young.. search on internet under drdino. The earth is BELIEVED to be millions of years old, nothing is proven on that. We are fooled to believe that the age of the earth is proven, while it is a BELIEF, as much as any other religious belief.

12:54 PM, April 13, 2006  

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