belated photos...

Becoming new is to be forgiven - and to forgive. We watched our God taste the devils anguish - now we can live. Love one another as He loved you. Live in His love, He will make new. Live, watching miracles unfold. Love, being truthful, being bold. He has won over evil's plans. Love is to hold again His Hand.
Read Genesis 9:8-17, Leviticus 18:28, Jeremiah 12:4, Psalm 24:1 - The earth is God's, the earth as a whole... It's a beautiful gift to us which we were told to subdue/rule over in the same way Psalm 72 describes; bringing justice to the afflicted, crushing the oppressor...
When we read in some bibles, in 2.Pet 3:10, that the earth will be "burned up", the proper translation of the Greek word may in fact be "found". In 1.Cor 15, Paul's use of the word "changed" (v.51-52) implies a continuity of his created world in our final redemption. And in Romans 8 Paul says that the world- that is mankind and creation alongside each other - waits in eager expectation for God's final redemption. Christ's life and death have cosmic consequences - John 3:16 talks about the world - the cosmos. Colossians 1:15 onwards talks about Christ holding everything together - this confirms again the relationship between man and the earth (which God first confirms in Genesis 3:17b-19).
So the Gospel, the good news, is for God's whole creation..!
We are called to be worshippers, who are in right relationship with God, treating the things he has made in the same way as he treats them. Stewards. Kingdom-bringers...
We all know Jesus said to "love your neighbour"... Who is my neighbour? The current state of the earth, with climate change and all it's consequences, forces us to face the fact that by not getting informed and appreciating creation and worshipping the creator by actually acting on what we know, we are contributing to devastating consequences (which affect the poor the earliest and the most, result in desertification, declining crop yields, malnutrition, hunger, conflict, refugees...), we are not acting out God's heart for the earth... But when we do, we are in effect helping the poor and future generations - which is acting out the heart of God. So I have to ask myself, am I ready to lay down my life of comfort for the sake of my "neighbours" - whether they live miles away or years ahead...? (I wonder... what does God think about one of his creatures becoming extinct..?)