this is in the KBC classroom - blonde-Ellen, Sarah, Beth, Amy and Anna up front

This is my bio-group ("bring-it-on"-group, originally called "spiritual formation group" but apparently that word was too long and boring) - you're supposed to meet with your bio-group once a week, and answer a whole heap questions honestly - confess - and pray together... We live together anyway, so that's fine. Right now my bio-group is scattered all over the world so I miss them. Beth (on the left) is in Middlesborough (just got engaged by the way!!) and Tash (right) is in Hungary with her dad.. exciting!

This is Abi, me and Simon-Zoolander (!) --the principal of KBC, in case u didn't notice.

And I just have to say: I FINALLY FLEW A KITE!!! (Me, Abi, Mark)

And this is the M&M (Mission and Ministries) gang.. sadly Tash isn't in the photo, as she's taking it. Otherwise everyone's on it - from the left: Amy, Sarah, Beth, Dave, me, Matt, Mike, Mike, Eric, Anna and Jack in front and James kneeling.

Virker som en kjekk gjeng. Håper du til stadighet har det bra! :)
Pene deg!!
Så bra at du har det bra! Gleder meg til å beache me deg i sommer! pusss
Pene deg!!
Så bra at du har det bra! Gleder meg til å beache me deg i sommer! pusss
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