Claire as an Egyptian dancer...

Beth as Avril with Attitude...

and Simon (note: our principle) as himself...

Hm... you may be thinking: "what is going on? What is this KBC sekt?" Do not be afraid, have no fear - I am alright. Here follows a pictoral account of Ellen's, Rebecca's and Alison's 21st(!) birthday party, where everyone came dressed as something beginning with E, R or A. It was held at Pinnocks Way social club with the KBC gang + street + Norway. I was so lucky to have bebbe, michelle, mirjam & solveig around for the occasion - bebbe & I even sang together again, which was so good!

Here are my crazy house-folks again, from the left: rapunzel, eyelash, emo, rodeo and robber.

Here are the lovely Earl & Rebecca...

And here is mr. bling, Mark, who did a great job organizing the entertainment with Earl - thank you! :)

Poor Solveig was forced on stage in order to be spoonfed by a blindfolded rapunzel - canned rice pudding. mmm. poor amy (out of sight) had to eat some soggy pea mixture. Alison and "Earl" (Rachael) won with the can of spaghetti.

Here's our Irishman, dr. Mark, as Augustine...
And here's our fantastic cook Steve, dressed as Abraham - for those of you who don't know your bible, Abraham was God's chosen tattooed father of the nation Israel.

From the left: Eric(frenchman)-the-gangster, Janson-the-rocker, Dave-the-Eric(frenchman), and James-the-rocker.

All in all I have to say I had a great evening, so thanks to everyone who turned up!
hvem var du?
ellen!vad jag saknar dig!!olala,det var skoi på denne festen ja-mye rare folk du driver å henger med assa..begynner å bli bekymra.:s
tss neida ser ut som om du har det ganske greit ja,og de to folka dine virka så utrolig braa,skjønner plutselig hvorfor du trives så innmari:) love u<3
ja, poor solveig! blae! savner deg allrede ellen min, var saa deilig med orntli tid sammen..litt kvalitet-ellen-inpu i livet long min fellow englisher!
cheers love! drink tea, be happy.
Grattis med overstått, Ellen! :)
Når var det du fylte år?
Ikke Onkeld Donald i Oslo - der er det 24 årsgrense ;)
Savner deg skikkelig i Sandefjord, men det er så fint å se at du har det så bra.. Hadde vært skikkelig koselig å besøkt England-folket,så det skal jeg prøve å få til. Fortsett å ha det bra:) Et fristende sted må jeg si. Snakkes søta! Love dokka
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