From 17th-25th of March, me, Tash, Eric, Matt and Dave were in Kent (above), around Hythe and Folkestone.

Here we are OWNING the cinema......We went to see Amazing Grace, which by the way is a film worth seeing! Below you can see me on the left sitting beside HÃ¥kan, a guy who joined our team from Sweden, and who taught Dave Latham to say "nordmenn har ingen humor" - haha very funny :( Dave Richards, the next guy, led our team together with his wife Chris. He has an apostolic ministry in fathering (following up, building up and encouraging Churches).

I just have to say, I played pool and got FOUR IN A ROW.... I know, I'm amazing.

This is the rest of the people from KBC in the team - Tash, Matt, Eric and Dave.

These are two lovely people who were also on the team, Marilyn and John from Basingstoke - I spoke to them about maybe going to India with them in the end of October, for about two weeks...

This is Vanessa and John and their grand-son Riley - the couple me and Tash were staying with. We really got to love them and their family and the area (Hawkinge)...

We also got to love many others, for example Phil (below) and his wife Lorna, who lead South Kent Community Church.

Just to say a bit about what I learnt from the trip: Firstly, community. Phil and Lorna are good friends with the couple leading New Romney Church. This is the real basis for working together with other Churches - just plain old, proper friendship.
We also learnt more what it means to work together with a team, and it was inspiring to see how Dave and Chris lead teams and do their work.
Two things were specially significant for me this week, one was prayerwalking with the team and people from the specific areas we were in (like Hythe, Lydd, Lymbe, Seabrook) - Praying into households, situations, hearing God for what needs prayer and what He has planned for that area and praying with faith out of that.. And then sharing what God's been speaking about with the team and those from that area... It really gave me a heart for the people and the places, and showed me the importance of intercession and the benefits of prayerwalking.
The other thing was just meeting people and seeing how they give their lives for Christ, sacrificing having their own plans of where to live and what to do, seeking God about where to go and going, and giving so much of themselves to the Church and the people in the area... It was challenging and inspiring :)
Below is Sunil Paul from India (also a part of the team) - he invited me to visit his Church there which I really hope to do!

Who knows what the future brings.... I'm open to God to tell me when the time is right. Frustrating - I'd like to have things planned and sorted
now -but God always seems to wait until the last minute in giving me peace about something. So at the moment I'm just waiting, trying to focus on the now... :)