Becoming new is to be forgiven - and to forgive. We watched our God taste the devils anguish - now we can live. Love one another as He loved you. Live in His love, He will make new. Live, watching miracles unfold. Love, being truthful, being bold. He has won over evil's plans. Love is to hold again His Hand.
It was a rich experience meeting the people there... Example:
Tony and Jo on an old English farm in the countryside, complete with rain and mud. Open-house, open-heart people for whom generosity is a matter of course. Their freedom from materialism and rush of time was noticable, they have freedom to look out for people in need and to be there for whoever, whatever, whenever... living a lifestyle of putting others first... it was challenging. Made me realise how consumed I get with my own needs, my own worries, my own stuff. Let us pray indeed. They are passionate for God, not only vertically but horizontally - they know God. Inspiring!
Was also great to meet all the other people who I won't name but who all blessed us. Was challenging and inspiring to be with Dave & Chris Richards', who travel around the world encouraging and building up churches, very prophetic, very servant-hearted and committed to people in many ways (for example in helping wash up). And ofcourse living with Suzanne was pleasurable; she had a lovely English house overlooking a field of sheep, the wind was fierce, and standing by the wooden gate I felt like I was in a film. Beth took a picture on her mobile - sadly I didn't bring my own camera so you'll have to make do with an internet-picture (sorry I cheated) of the famous Hadrian's Wall:
We arrived back in Oxford past midnight some time (was too tired to register the time) and on Monday kicked off with Mission and Ministry's separate lectures, where we officially began to learn about getting a heart for people. So far we've been looking at love being the most important motive in all we do, and how to guard our heart so it doesn't harden (through unconfessed sin / weariness / self-condemnation / disappointments / pride). Also discipleship and teambuilding. Very convicting, helpful and encouraging!