Tuesday, May 02, 2006

future plans and other uncertainties

Ok, I know you're probably sick of hearing about everything I plan to do this next school year, but I just have to ask for you to pray for me cause I'm pretty unsure still what to choose and I feel kinda stressed out cause I really should know soon and buy air tickets let alone apply for the school I'm gonna go to... (breathe IN - out --) ok. The ones I'm thinking of are DTS in Brisbane, Hillsong Leadership College in Sydney and King's Bible College in Oxford... so; Australia or England? (my home-country or my birth-country..?) (or, I forgot to mention, a DTS in Armenia. Heh.)
Anyway, time will show and I'm sure God'll let me know in His time. Those of you who know me though, know that I'm not that good at stressLESSing.. hehe.. but I guess that's why I have to learn to!

Ok enough enough, other than that I just have to say that's it's very nice ("hyggelig" hehe I just thought of how that would sound reading it in english) if you want to leave a comment or a hello or something else heart to heart for me to read - just click on the "comment" link below.. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Ellen: Dra til Sydney!"

3:32 PM, May 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

jeg forumerer med en fyr nær brisbane, så vet du det lixom.

6:58 PM, May 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Halla Ellen..
Stakk nettopp innom sida di. I valget på hvor du skal dra. Vel du alene vet hva som rører seg inni hjertet ditt, hva Gud taler til deg når dere er alene. Men husk det at Gud kommer alltid med fred.. Fortsett med det du gjør. Så håper jeg du faller til ro med en beslutning.. Gud velsigne deg.. Mvh Desiree

6:43 PM, May 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

1:32 PM, July 21, 2006  

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