to Prance or not to Prance
that is the question for those in France

This is Eric, KBC's Frenchman... (he's quite tall)

Had a great time in France; met Eric's family, went prayerwalking, questionairing, even busking (without asking for money) - just singing and playing guitar and the "box" outside the metro while those who knew a bit more French than "je m'appelle" talked and prayed with people - and Tash was chalk drawing on the pavement.. was heaps of fun ;)
We also went to a youth meeting and let the Sunday meeting at Eric's Church - have to say it was funny seeing Dave lead worship in French. But it was a good, Spirit-led meeting, thanks to God ;) And Eric preached.
And we drove home, full of French cheese and wine and pineapple cake.
Great to hear bits from France!
Great to hear bits from France!
Hei kjære frøken. Satt i går kveld å og så på gamle dvd-er fra musikklinja...plutselig gikk det opp for meg hvor få fra musikklinja jeg fremdeles har kontakt med. Så da så jeg mitt snitt til å ta litt researching via myspace. Og der fant jeg deg. Lever for Herren gjør du, og bruker dine tallenter for Ham! Fantastisk. Du er fantastisk. Stå på frøken, i i Storbritania, imens jeg sitter her oppe i det kalde nord på musikk konservatoriet i Tromsø. Det er nokså fint her også, dog! Gud velsigne deg så masse. Klem fra Dina Maria
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