the grand tour

So, this is Tash in the livingroom. It looked much worse before. A bit like a waiting room in some old medical clinic. We've made it look a bit more acceptable now and hung Rachael's art up on the walls.
This is my room seen from 2 angles... (Had to include the dresser, with the antique mirror Elisabeth Peters lent me!) and just so u know, I've hung Karin's paintings on the walls. They were in desperate need of colour! Now it feels a bit more homely there. But if anyone has any pictures to send me, please do! That would make me extremely happy :)
Last but not least: our lovely kitchen&laundry-in-one.
The frustrating thing about our house is the clothes dry sooo slooow...
Oh, just have to say: today I almost stepped on a hedgehog! It was in the middle of the path (the catwalk between the hedges) to the door... immagine if I had. Owch.
Okai, I better go now, the time is late, I just came home from a rock concert (the darts) in a small, humid club (ehe..) Basically they should think about getting airconditioning .. or windows..
Anyway, I'm tired, tomorrow's the sabbath, I can sleep in for the first time since I got here (!yay) so good night, and sleep tight. <3
ellen,du trives bra,og det VARMER!!! vi snakkes-
mucho amor:mitch
Ser ut som noen koselige jenter! Og et koselig hus! Her har man heller ingenting på veggene.. Og ikke er det lov til å henge opp noe heller... Triste greier.. Men i huset vi bor i nå er det ihvertfall ikke bare hvite vegger:)
skullle gjerne sendt deg noen bilder, men har ingen..
Kos deg på fri dagen din! Det har jeg og i dag!
Klem fra Irene
åh, så gøy å se litt av hvem du er sammen med og åssen du bor! ellenminellen, du er kriminelt savnet og elsket! vær i england, og ha det maksimalt kult!*fryd* i hjertet mitt at du har det bra!
suss sol
For et utroli kosli hus!åå..babe!Du er digg. kos deg masse å ha "time of your life"..ass.. Men ikke glem oss her i den påbegynnende kulda..!puss
My great kid - How great to see you so happy!
oi! Kjære vakre vene så søte jenter. Kunne ikke "hook'a" meg opp med no'n?
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