Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Fear and trust

"Fear God!" I´ve often crincled my nose at this. Isn´t God supposed to love me? Want to look after me? Care for me? If so, why on earth fear him? The bible's full of passages telling us to fear God - but as long as I haven't found a sufficient answer to this question, I've just overlooked it and gone on focusing on other things.

What I haven't realised until lately, is that by not understanding the fear of God, I've given in to fearing other things...

Like the future. Will I earn enough to pay the bills next month? Will I have studied well enough to pass my exam? I can't help but worry, I need to stress through life to get the ends to meet...

Or people. She'll probably feel judged if my way of life differs too much from hers, so I'll hide who I am and try to fit in...

Or failure. I can't be sure that I have what it takes to do what I feel God's called me to. So I'll play it safe instead of stepping out of my comfort zone...

The stories in the bible make it clear that God is almightystronger than any threat people may face, he is able to send plagues, destroy towns, kill people... He is also able, in any situation, to save, heal, give new life, soften hearts... and He desires to do this because He is love. God is righteous; whatever He decides, we can be sure it is deserved, just, fair... When it comes to other things that can cause fear - like worries, fear of what people will think, fear of failure - we can be sure that in the end, God will have the final word. This to me proves that God is worth fearing more than anything else.

Psalm 34 verse 7 tells us: "The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them." Giving in to the fear of God is giving in to trusting him. It's safe, it's freeing, it's delightful, because He's our creator, the king of the universe, and also our Dad. He loves us intimately.


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