Thursday, January 27, 2011


are powerful
Words can create
Words can break down and destroy
And words can heal and restore what we lost in this mess

The truth

I want to rip out the dark pages of my diary, those destructive words
I want to fill in the blank pages with thankfulness and light
I want to write about the goodness of today
Relish in the small great moments
Describe in detail
What's good
and true
When I was living in Oxford, twenty one years old, I started struggling for the first time with how I looked. Which is stupid, I know, cause I'm not that different from the fashion standard of "good-looking". Yet every second diary page was filled with thoughts of ugliness, lists of how to eat more healthy, exercise more... I just couldn't get the "how do I look" and "how could I look better" out of my head. What is it with us girls??!

I asked God for words I could use as a weapon against these destructive thoughts. And the immediate thought I had was: I'm beautiful in your eyes. That's all that matters. You are all I need. I wrote down these words on a small piece of paper and hung them on my mirror. Every day I repeated these words to myself. And, gradually, I started believing them! Now, whenever I become aware of any unsatisfaction about my appearance, I say those words to myself, three times. And it helps.

So, my challenge to you today is: what kind of truth do you find difficult to believe? Ask God to give you words you can use as a weapon, and find some creative way to use them!


Blogger Alvilde kaller de meg. Og jeg responderer. said...

fine og viktige ord du skriver her, Ellen. Jeg liker det!

1:45 PM, January 27, 2011  
Blogger Kikkis planet said...

Viktige tanker å bli minnet på, takk! Tenkte spesielt på jenta mi når jeg leste, at jeg skal lære henne at hun også er beautiful, både i Guds øyne og i våre!
Ps: Jeg syns også du er beautiful!

3:31 PM, January 27, 2011  
Blogger Ellen Miles said...

Alvilde - inspirert av dine viktige ord til meg i går! :)
Og Kikki - bra å høre! Gleder meg til å være med på det prosjektet :)!

3:43 PM, January 27, 2011  
Blogger Johmbah said...

Hey!!! Isn't this you??? Serious? x

5:04 AM, March 27, 2011  

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