Which way does your wind blow?
Lately the battle in my mind has been over deciding what to do next year. On one side of the battlefield is the stressed out control freak which wants to take over and drive my decision making. On the other side is the childlike faith in my Father, wanting me to let go, relax my shoulders and calmly trust him in my decision making.
Jesus uses the wind as a metaphor to describe the Holy Spirit and those who follow him. It blows where it wants to, we can hear it, but we can't tell where it's been or where it's going. I've experienced that when I delight and trust in God, I lose the weight and stress of control; it's like I know I'm light as a feather, being blown in the right directions and at the right times by his Spirit. As followers of Christ, we may not see where we are headed - we may not feel like we are being blown anywhere at all - but we can trust that our love for Jesus means we are in his Spirit's wind, and that's the best place we can be.
If you've read this and felt you can relate to it in some way, I wanna recommend the song "which way" by Andrew Ehrenzeller. Click on the album to hear it on Spotify...
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