Thursday, April 21, 2011

A poem about Silence

Sorry, did you just call me friend?

I mean, I've always known of you. Don't think I ever knew you.

You confronted me for a while but I excluded you every time.
Pretended not to hear,
was up to my ears in some new project or some new party or some new program on TV
and I expected you to leave.

If you stayed, I didn't see.

I mean, I thought you'd take a hint when I filled my life to the brim,
thought you'd realise you couldn't fit in.


I see you now.

Okay Silence, speak to me.
Or rather, tell me how can I hear?

I mean, it's become a fear,
a fear to make room for you,
a fear to get close to you.
It's like I can't stand you, so forgive me, but I can't...

But maybe I can this time. So I wait a second,
I expect for a second.

But as soon as you speak, my throat tightens.
I need a get away, an escape route, where's the closest exit?
Tell me whatever it is you're saying but don't expect me to look you in the eyes cause I need to find the exit - what's the next step?- and suddenly I'm up to my ears again and you're gone I think,
cause I'm up to my ears in some new project
or party
or program on TV.


Did you just call me friend?


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