Saturday, April 23, 2011


Life is full of spirals. Things that happen again and again. Like my mum forgetting something every time she has to go somewhere. Or my dad being a perfectionist.

Some spirals embrace you like a whirlwind, you can't escape and they take you places. They can pull you down, down to dark places where there seems to be no way out. Depression. Desperation. Hopelesness. Or they can take you up, up to new hights and to freedom. God's healing. Forgiveness. Joy.

Can you think of some spirals in your own life, or in your family history?

If you're thinking of a positive spiral, then what can I say, that's great, happy easter to you, enjoy the ride!

If you're thinking of a negative one, it doesn't seem right to just say happy easter and be on my way. This easter I wanna acknowledge those of you who are struggling, those of you who want out but feel powerless to change the situation, those of you who feel the world, or God, is against you...

Cause this is where the easter message steps in and becomes more than chickens and chocolate eggs.

This is where God shows himself as a warrior, who fights for us and for our freedom.

Jesus Christ, through his death and resurrection, disarmed the spiritual forces that are making it impossible for you or your family to escape whatever negative spiral you're in. (Read colossians 2:15.) This is God's truth for you this easter. A truth to be embraced. A truth that brings hope. A truth which somewhere along the road will bring final freedom.

If it's difficult for you to embrace this truth, ask someone to pray for you or your family. God's intervention in your situation could be immediate, or it could be a process. Whatever the outcome, I want to encourage you to continue to trust that Jesus died and rose again to free you! It will happen. God wants freedom for you no less than he wants it for others. God has not forgotten you. He loves you.

Trust him.

And keep trusting.

A hopefilled easter to you all!


Blogger Catherine said...

Vakre ord fra en vakker Ellen:)

8:57 AM, April 23, 2011  

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